Through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ACOG has developed five short, live-action patient education videos to help ob-gyns successfully communicate messages around the importance and benefit of recommended vaccines during pregnancy to their patients.

These new patient explainer videos, housed on ACOG’s patient website, can be an effective tool for sharing accessible, evidence-based information on COVID-19, Tdap, influenza, and overarching vaccination in pregnancy with patients on the trusted web platforms associated with your practice. The following videos can be watched and linked to from your practice website or patient portal and featured in posts on your practice’s social media pages:


Get Your Recommended COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy

Obtenga la Vacuna COVID-19 Recomendada para usted Durante El Embarazo

Get Your Recommended Vaccines During Pregnancy 

Get Your Recommended Flu Vaccine During Pregnancy

Get Your Recommended Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy