The ACOG LARC Program's Postpartum Contraceptive Access Initiative (PCAI) is designed to provide clinical and operational support training for immediate postpartum LARC implementation.

PCAI’s mission is to ensure all women have access to the full range of postpartum contraceptive methods before leaving the hospital after a delivery.

LARC methods remain the most effective reversible contraception and have the highest continuation and satisfaction rates among all users. For some women, the immediate postpartum period can be a particularly favorable time for discussion and initiation of contraceptive methods, including LARC. Yet, many barriers – both clinical and operational – prevent access to the full range of contraceptive methods in the postpartum setting.

Evidence-based research supports the use of a tiered, stage-based approach for implementing immediate postpartum LARC. As a result, ACOG staff incorporated current best practices into the PCAI three-pronged implementation model to support successful immediate postpartum LARC provision at participating hospitals. These phases include:

  1. Capacity building for implementation
  2. Onsite hands-on clinical simulation and operational support trainings
  3. Ongoing support through a web-based resource hub and follow-up consultations with immediate postpartum LARC implementation experts

The PCAI website contains more information, including details about the initiative, information about immediate postpartum LARC, and an application to become a participating hospital site. Questions about PCAI can be directed to [email protected]